We Write Books Together and Create a Social Impact ..
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1. Submit your proposal, discuss, volunteer. 2. Submit full manuscript.
3. Review, if selected, get Published. 4. Facilitate a change socially.
What are the different ways of publishing?
(1) Traditional Publishing: In this publishing model, an author submits a query or a manuscript to a publisher of that genre, and after a tough selection process (which can be time taking and biased too, based on recommendations, agents etc.), gets published. The publisher bears all costs for the book's publication and pays a 10-15% royalty to the author for book sales.
(2) Self Publishing: In this publishing model, an author can publish any manuscript with a publisher based on the package he buys. Packages are differentiated based on various services (publishing only, editing + publishing, publishing + marketing). Costs vary per country from 500 to 3000 CHF. Post-publication, the author receives approx. 15 to 25% royalty on book sales.
What is our publishing model?
We have a hybrid model, with a
modern collaborative publishing concept. We are primarily non-commercial with
two-main aims. As a publisher, we shall first assess your proposal, and if selected, we will publish your book. We shall promote your book on social media and on our website and depend on our authors to promote the book further to generate sales. From your book's sales profit; we shall
contribute to a social cause / book sales profit.
How to submit a proposal or a manuscript? What are the next steps?
We are open for selective proposals throughout the year. As this has a volunteer-based working model, mainly coordinated by one person, we do not have the resources to deal with more than 4 projects per year. Send us a query at bosecreativepublishers@gmail.com with your proposal for a book, or the full manuscript.
Book proposals or manuscripts could be on fine arts, sketching, painting, photography, travelogue, memoir, management lessons, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, flash fiction, poetry, or novel. Overall, it is a community project; as the publisher, we will help you publish the book, and you as the author shall help us create & sell your book and facilitate a humanitarian change.